Yesterday the troops arrived… 24 more volunteers. Joannie arrived at 11 a.m. and Dustin arrived around noon. Dustin is a photographer/editor at FOX CT. However, we had no idea the other was coming to Haiti until about two weeks ago. Must have been fate.

Today, patients are lined up outside waiting to see Dr. Franco. Some suffer from dehydration. Others have cholera and even HIV. But Dr. Franco will see all of them.
The internet connection isn’t great here, so the stories Dustin and I are shooting might not air until next week. Regardless, the people of Haiti have incredible stories – some so sad it’s almost beyond comprehension. I wonder where all their joy comes from. But they are full of so much hope, and Generations of Hope Haiti (GoHaiti) is making that possible for so many people.
The streets of Port-au-Prince
Property where Dr. Franco's friend is building another orphanage
View from the orphanage window
Building the orphanage
Generations of Hope orphanage's backyard
Some of the kids of Generations of Hope

Miakel is an orphan at Generations of Hope.
He loves to play soccer, and he really wants my watch.